Aroid care instructions

We are especially lovers of aroids, and the plants in our selection generally have similar needs . If your houseplants have needs that differ from our general instructions, you can find them in the product information in our online store.

Instructions for receiving a new plant
  • Pick up your package as soon as it arrives
  • Carefully open the package indoors
  • Only water if the substrate is dry.
  • Place in an place protected from draft with indirect light
  • Allow to recover from transport 2 weeks before repotting
  • Spray daily for 1-2 weeks

The well-being of each houseplant is guaranteed by a balanced supply of light, water and humidity. Plants may have different needs in the depending on the habitat.



Aroids thrive primarily in indirect lighting. Indirect light may be natural light at full power, as long as the sun does not shine directly on the plant. In artificial lighting, it can mean up to 10,000 to 25,000 lux. These values are difficult to achieve at home, often its necessary to be satisfied with 1000-4000 lux even if the plants have their own plant light. Room lighting alone does not achieve sufficient light for Aroids.

The best way to ensure a good supply of light for your aroid is to choose a place near a window where the sun's rays can't shine directly on the plant, regardless of the season. In winter, the plant can often be placed closer to the window than in summer.

Variegated varieties need more light than green ones but still burn easily in direct sunlight. More intense light produces more variegation but too much is too much.



Aroids need constant watering. The medium is watered moist, not soaked and allowed to dry between waterings. The easiest way to avoid over-watering is to use a pot with an opening in the bottom. If you use a closed pot or a passive hydro pot, make sure that the substrate does not get waterlogged. The best way to check the moisture is with a water meter (coming soon for sale) whose spike is inserted into the substrate.



Our living quarters are almost always too dry for aroids. The easiest way to monitor the humidity in the room is with a humidity meter. If the humidity is below 50%, you can improve the well-being of the plants by spraying or using a humidifier, this will benefit both plants and people.



During the growing (the lighter) season , use the houseplant fertilizer according to the instructions on the package. Excess fertilization does not increase growth but leads to problems.


Repotting instructions

Once the plant has recovered from transport for at least 2 weeks, it is a good idea to consider replacing the cultivation pot with a larger and more beautiful pot. The size and type of pot you choose will have a significant impact on the care of your plant. With the passive hydro pots you can water less often, with a pot with a drainage holeyou ensure that the substrate dries sufficiently. Make your choice according to your own skills and needs.